My factory installed jack was giving me problems so I decided to replace it. Here were the 2 main issues: 1. Grounding circuit was done through the jack body and frame, no separate ground wire. Jack would intermittently lose power due to poor contact ground. 2. Could not open SUV lift gate as the jack body was in the way. 3. No adjustment on the jack leg to extend lift. The Vevor jack solved all three issues and it has an additional 500# of lift capacity (4000#). I have bought other Vevor product and so far been pleased with the build and value. It was an easy install. The holes for the 90’ rotation lined up to the industry standard used by my old jack. Now the lift gate can be opened when hitched. The separate ground wire is attached to the frame with a treaded bold, so motor runs smoothly. Have adjustment on the leg make setting up quicker. The jack came with good instructions and nice accessories. Time will tell how it holds up, but I keep my jacks covered and protected from the elements. Highly recommend.