This kitchen set is incredible! I was a little hesitant when it arrived in as small a box as it did, as I thought it would be really cheap and flimsy. Assembly was easy enough given the instructions, though there were a couple times where piece directions were a tad ambiguous and could have been clearer. Once assembled, it was clear that my initial thoughts were wrong – it is actually really sturdy. It's also very detailed, even down to the stove knobs making clicking sounds when you turn them, and the burners lighting up and making a cooking sound when you press on them. Even the ice maker in the fridge drops little ice cubes when you push a cup into it, though I'm a little concerned those ice cubes could be a choking hazard. The set is a perfect size for toddlers, so I feel like the 3-8 age range is good for this. For ~$84 when writing this review, this kitchen set is a perfect way to spark your child's love for cooking!