First and foremost, at least glance at the assembly instructions. The cup/tool tray MUST be attached to the top shelf BEFORE putting the legs on. The mini wrench supplied is next to worthless. A properly sized socket wrench is highly recommended. Because of limited range of movement, a box or open end wrench is only slightly better than the tiny one supplied. Also recommended is the largest Phillips head screwdriver you have that fully fills the slots. A drop of dish soap or general purpose lube oil down the screw holes will help in driving the screws home.. And make sure the legs ( marked \"L\" and \"R\" ) are installed in the corresponding corners, there IS a difference. Install both swiveling wheels on either the front or back and there will be no problem turning corners. Long bolts interfering with the wheels swiveling was a non issue. The finished cart was impressive and more spacious than I immagined. Moves and maneuvers easily. Highly recommended.