For a compromise purchase, this turned out well. These are the “tinker toys” if garden cages. Used for determinate tomatoes, eggplant, tall pepper plants. Had terrible time finding cages/ supports in stock and 2 other companies failed to ship. 3 of my larger plants collapsed the day I received my 3 systems—so was relieved to finally get these. 3 kits are to make 9 cages with 3 sides. Arms are 1” narrower than Ultomato system so I needed 4 sided cages. Made 5 cages for determinate tomatoes and used additional parts to lengthen 2,Ultomato cages I already had and made 3,sided eggplant and pepoer supports. No cages —except for very pricey extra sturdy steel mesh— can handle huge 6-7 ft heirloom tomato plants loaded with fruit. Cages must be anchored with earth staples. Ultomatoes and this crate type I cable tie to my fence or deck railing to keep them upright. To make this system stronger I pushed the 4 posts into the ground, then made a square attaching 4 arms right at ground level to make it sturdier. Mr Stripey And other Heirloom tomatoes get super tall and was happy to be able to lengthen these supports. I like the versatility to create any length and usr indoors or out. Best feature? Comes apart in easily stored lengths.