got this hoping to save a little cash and wow it did it's job.... Indo not have a shop floor to bolt it to so I used some 3/4" plywood I had kicking around and used carriage bolts to fasten the changer to it and then screwed the plywood to my deck.... take a few screws out and no one is the wiser you were changing tires there.., if you know what your doing this is def going to make life easier .... if you do not watch the videos and you will be fine.... I have a couple of my own tired spoons which helped greatly and as always some dawn dish soap mixed a. little thicker than just doing it he dishes and you have the perfect rubber lube for the tire and the spoons...i allso use.balancing beads so as.not to have to Ballance them.... under recommend for his to anyone... little work but you can save so much money... mount 4 tires yourself and this tool. is already paid for