This ladder stores easily. It is a bit awkward to set up for taller reaches, but it is stable once engaged. The only issue with sturdiness is a tendency for the top to slide over smooth, polished surfaces.
I have a rugged extendable ladder but it’s too heavy - this ladder isn’t super rugged but very light weight and compact. It’s sturdy enough and easy to haul with other camping gear. So far so good.
Bought this for my husband. We take it camping in case we need to get on top of the camper for any reason. So portable and sturdy. It goes with us on every trip. Easy to pack since it takes up so little space. Great purchase!
Needed a ladder to get up into my garage loft. The ladder was beyond my expectations, easy to raise up, comfortably wide steps, very sturdy and light weight. Love the fact that it doesn't take up hardly any room when down.