The product was easy to put together and only took about 20 minutes to assemble, which was because I'm retire and just took my time. Just some pointers: make sure you put the gloves on (metal material), start at the bottom using the supplied mallet. Don't put all the rubber end protectors on all of the rails, just use \"eight\" total (four bottom and four top: this is only for the 30\" or 36\") rack. I have the five-tier rack. When putting it together I counted nine spaces up from the bottom shelf for each shelf space until I reached the last shelf space, which came out to eight spaces at the top. Also, while attaching the rods together I did press down while using the rubber mallet to tap into place. Make sure the \"big\" holes are on top when putting it together. When installing the spacer connectors (4 each) for attaching the extended racks, the manual doesn't really show which way the spacers goes, so I installed them with the \"lip\" part with the \"curve part\" facing up, which worked fine when attaching the extended racks (rods) to them. They fitted perfectly. I know that I've said a lot, but I hope this helps someone when putting your project together. Thanks