I have a similar cart but wanted to get this one because it has 4 extra smaller wheels at the base. These 4 smaller wheels are like those used for some luggages that swivel 360 degrees. So you can just push this cart upright as you would with a luggage. Plus they do give extra support for the handcart as well on heavier items. When assembling these 4 wheels, make sure you use the right bolts for the back and front. The ones on the back are a little longer than the ones at the front. Even though the little spanner is included, I had to use a home wrench to really tighten these bolts just in case. The Alloy Steel base and frame are very strong and sturdy, should be able to hold up to the maximum recommended weight - 220 lbs, with no issuea. The top handle bar is well padded for extra comfort and grip while the telescopic handle is very easy and smooth during extending or retracting with just a push of the button on the middle bridge cross bar. Folding and setting up the cart for use is also very intuitive as well. Just pull up the base to fold or push down the base to use and the 6 back wheels will closed or open out respectively. The rotating stair climbing wheels on the back are solid, no need to worry about punctures and can be replaced easily when needed. They seem very durable though and should last for a long time when used as recommended. Great for office use or take along when traveling as well, not too heavy or bulky to carry for the trip. Rolls well up and downstairs, works even better on flat, smooth surfaces. No issues and very useful for me so far.