So far it's great! I can carry all my devices. Wheels are also very useful on rough roads. So far, it seems to be very durable. I like its color. It is easy to move and also easy to fold.
I really like this stroller. It has very good functionality and seems to be very sturdy. The price is also reasonable. I have been following this cart for a while and finally decided to purchase it. I like its color and the slider that won't fall off or get lost like my previous cart.
I bought one and really liked it, so I bought another one. The size is appropriate, the wheels rotate and roll (slide) smoothly, and there is a lock. Durable and beautiful. Widely used.
I like everything about it. It rolls well, carries a load, and goes up stairs easily. This is the fifth one of these I've bought and this one is by far the strongest and most sturdy. Highly recommend.
The trick is to not tilt the truck too much. We bought this for moving homes. It made getting the heavy stuff out of the basement so much easier. It's well built, sturdy and easy to hold on to the handles. It was a great purchase.