Solid construction and materials, it is made to last while looking like it came out of a professional kitchen. Easy to assemble if you have basic skills and logical thinking. Granted, it didn't come with any reasonable instructions as noted by other reviews and the vendor should make a serious effort to rectify that. I took my time and started with top upside down on the counter and added each piece slowly and even had to change a few times to get it to come out right. I agree it was a little frustrating, but came out great in the end. One suggestion on attaching the screws, do NOT overtighten them, snug them down a little as you go and tighten EVERY screw individually when fully assembled and you have a table that will outlast you while looking great. The negative here is the plastic coating/shield on the surfaces are a bi%$ch to remove. It can be done, but you must have patience, lots & lots of patience and you have to go verry verry slow..