Before I bought this shower I wanted to be certain that it had chromed brass or stainless steel fittings as my last outdoor shower fittings rusted out under the chrome plating.
So I contacted Vevor both by email and via chat.
They could tell me nothing other than what I had already read in the online description.
I consoled myself that the item description said it was durable and wouldn’t rust so I bought it on Friday before the sale ended.
This was fortunate as telstra has been upgrading the network and I have had no internet or phone connection since.
So on Wednesday it arrived. Disappointingly, the shower and mixer tap fittings are chrome plated plastic.
I doubt it will last outdoors in the elements - with the deteriorating effects of uv from sunshine, heat, rain, storm and hail stones as well as birds landing on it.
If chrome plated plastic fittings were listed in the item description I would not have bought it.
They are not durable outdoors.
I tried for over an hour using all my strength to twist the top half of the black column into to the bottom half without any luck - it kept getting stuck and refused to turn past halfway.
It was a heavy and awkward procedure I kept having to repeat that hurt my back.
I finally solved the problem by spraying the connecting surfaces with silicone - then it easily twisted into place.
I used the teflon tape on all the joins, being careful not to over tighten them, because I did not want to break the fragile chrome plated plastic.
I had to stand on a step ladder to attach the shower because it is so high up beyond my reach.
I will need to use the step ladder whenever I have to adjust the shower head or even to view the thermometer (which is way too high and mostly hidden behind the shower rose) to check what the water temperature is.
I filled it via hose, relieved to find it had no leaks.
So now I’ve tried the solar shower and it is warm enough to wash my hair without brain freeze and aching ears which is the problem with my current cold outdoor shower I made myself using chromed brass fittings with polypipe and has lasted a decade in the elements already.