There is a nice hood over the screen to prevent glare in the sun, and the head produces plenty of light to produce great imagery. A lot of sewer inspection cameras are recessed on the end and they easily get dirt on them so you have to pull it back to clear the end. One thing to note about this, the yellow "cable" is actually a fairly rigid fiberglass and the camera head is rather large, so you can only use it in a cleanout (3" to 4" pipe) it will not make a turn in your pipes in the house. So it's obviously intended to be used from the cleanout to the main sewer. One great use of this is fishing cable through your attic or crawl space because you can guide it with precision to the next hole if you are putting in recessed lights. I also use it for interior wall inspections and I install a lot of bath tubs and you always have to check the drain below the tub for leaks before tiling the wall. So on the wet wall I just feed this under the tub and run water to check for leaks. When you roll it backup there is a nice guide to get it evenly back on the spool.