I purchased this for my elderly mother to use in her garden. It’s very sturdy and the big tires makes it roll very easily. This was pretty easy to put together, I used an adjustable wrench and a socket wrench. It took about 15 minutes to put together. The seat is modeled after an old tractor seat, I went to tractor supply and bought a pad for it, which seem to make it easier for her to sit on it for longer. One assembly tip, don’t put the wheels on until the end. If you put them on in the beginning, they’ll just get in the way, especially when you’re trying to put the basket on the rear. Overall, I’m very happy with this. They did a good job covering it with paint to protect it from the elements and I think it will last a good amount of time. I will keep an eye on some of the welds. They’re pretty rough and could be a point of future rust areas as well as some of the hardware.