Let’s start with the positives: this stand looks really nice. The proportions are good, assembly is easy, and it’s sturdy. The legs are color matched well to the body, and have floor protection pads, so they won’t scratch your floor (they can be removed if desired). Appearance wise, my biggest issue is the rattan: it’s much yellower than the rest of the finishes (which I was prepared for), but it’s also a little off-kilter. Also note, as the description and listing photos don’t make it clear, the rattan is purely decorative. The door is solid, with the rattan glued over, so if you need airflow or a line of sight for any electronics you plan on keeping in the cabinet, plan accordingly.
Here’s the negative: it feels like plastic. I wasn’t expecting solid wood construction for the price, but the laminate feels like a commercial grade flooring material. But again, it LOOKS nice. Also, be sure to pay attention to the measurements, as this piece is on the smaller side, particularly in terms of height.