Arrived well packaged and nearly on time. Be aware the Au item is not supplied with refractory, despite what you may have seen on some Youtube reviews. You may choose to buy your own refactory and seal the Kaowool - I do suspect there may be long term adverse consequences for respiratory health.. Initial firings were satisfactory and this forge is capable of high temperatures, way beyond the ‘cherry red’ that most smiths will work with in their day to day forging. You must quickly learn to turn the 30psi regulator way way down once the forge has come up to temperature or you will chew the propane at an astronomical rate! Also, for people new to forging, make sure this product is securely mounted on a completely non combustible surface (radiant heat is very high) and I strongly advise blanking one end with fire bricks to contain heat and reduce gas consumption. All in all, so far so good! This is a great little forge for the price and a great addition to my workshop.