First, this item arrives tucked away inside the carrying/storage bag, inside the retail packaging box. All items are neatly in the bag, along with instructions, and ground steaks. Un boxing and assembly took us approximately 15 minutes max, to get it in place. Once you are finished, the wow factor hits you, at the size of this screen. It's truly great quality. Just a tip on assembly, at least this is what worked for us. Note, keep those rubber bands around the poles, you will need them when storing it in the bag. 1. two people will be helpful when assembling 2. Complete the frame entirely, 3. attach the top Velcro of the screen 4. then stand it up 5. remove the bottom pole, then slide it through the sleeve at the bottom of the screen 6. tighten bottom pole back up 7. then go around fine tune the Velcro all around 8. Pull out the projector and get to the entertainment. 9. Disassembly takes approximately half the time, as you know what your doing now 10. Use those rubber bands, to keep them together in the storage bag Yes, just that simple and the storage size is about 30 inches long and big around as a three liter bottle, to be specific. When folding your screen, fold it long ways, to make it store evenly in the bag. Also, put that in your storage bag first. No tools are required for assembly, none!