Good stuff first: The frame is very sturdy, I was able to assemble it by myself, but I am over 6ft tall and reasonably fit. so you may want to have help. The hardware is adequate, there were no missing nuts, bolts, ect. The vinyl material is holding up and has endured a couple storms with no issues. The instructions are mostly pictures, and are not hard to follow. Not so good stuff: A couple parts were damaged in shipping, but were usable. The tent sides and ends attach using little bungies with balls, and can be very difficult to put on. Nothing really holds the edges from gapping open in the wind, so I modified it a bit with zip ties. All in all, it is not bad for the cost, it provides storage for lawn equipment and a few other things. I question the durability of the vinyl over time with the effects of snow and wind, but if it fails, the frame is stout enough to recover with something else.. heavy tarp or similar material. Winter's coming, so we shall see how it fares.