I got this for my large Norwegian Forest cat. My cat is as big as they get. Pros: Overall it is very functional and good size. The cat carrier portion feels very sturdy. It was fairly easy to put together. No tools were required. Once assembled the stroller rolls easily. The carrier portion has a nice height and plenty visibility. Carrying a heavy cat by handle a little awkward, but feels pretty strong and definitely good enough for lifting out of car to put on stroller or carry short distances. Cons: some elements not highest quality. The zipper is plastic and a little sticky. The wheels on this are a very dense stuff foam, not rubber or plastic. Wheels probably not an issue on well paved asphalt or indoor carpet, but might not last long on rough surfaces. The plastic break mechanism works but is little clunky. This is a budget product so some of this was not unexpected. Things to know: one half of the carrier zips closed the other half is Velcro. My cat is relatively calm. The Velcro side faces the back of the stroller and is very strong and I was not concerned about him busting out. However if you had a cat desperate to bust out they might be able to. The Velcro is strong enough I could lift my 20lb cat from handle without issues. Cat breaking out shouldn't be an issue if you aren't leaving unattended in the stroller, but I wouldn't leave cat in this a walk off. Overall my cat seemed to enjoy his stroll. This would be great for cat shows or trip to vet if you cannot carry cat a long distance