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VEVOR Manual Pole Saw, 2.24 m-8.24 m Extendable Tree Pruner, Sharp Steel Blade and Scissors High Branches Trimming, Branch Trimmer with Lightweight 8 Fiberglass Handles, for Pruning Palms and Shrubs

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Manual Pole Saw, 2.24 m-8.24 m Extendable Tree Pruner, Sharp Steel Blade and Scissors High Branches Trimming, Branch Trimmer with Lightweight 8 Fiberglass Handles, for Pruning Palms and Shrubs

27 ft Double Hook Saw + Spare Blade + Scissors

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665 Review(s)
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pascal pascal
un peu lourd mais coupe tres bien
elagage branches en surplomb de route en prenant son temps coupe de grosses branche
Amazon Kunde Amazon Kunde
Do-it-yourself bei der Baumpflege leicht gemacht
Der nützliche Helfer bei der Baumpflege erfordert bei einem Einsatz in über 5 Meter Höhe einige Geschicklichkeit bei der Anwendung - und vor allem größeren Muskeleinsatz (vor allem wenn die zu sägenden Äste etwas versteckt sind). Die Schrauben. welche das Sägeblatt fixieren, müssen ständig nachgezogen werden - was sehr zeitaufwendig und mühsam ist, wenn man in größerer Höhe arbeitet. Der sichere Stand am Boden beseitigt die Unfallgefahren beim Arbeiten auf einer Leiter. Insgesamt sehr empfehlenswert - falls entsprechende körperliche Fitness vorhanden ist.
Marco Marastoni Marco Marastoni
Utile sino ad una certa altezza.
Ho acquistato la versione da 8 metri. La lama taglia bene, anche meglio del previsto, ma per i rami oltre i 3-4 cm di diametro il taglio non è così immediato e richiede una certa pazienza. Il mio giudizio è quattro stelle perché quando l'asta supera i 4 metri di altezza lo strumento non è più così facile da maneggiare e il taglio può risultare un po' difficile. Ciò nonostante lo consiglio.
John John
Great product, sturdy easy to assemble and take apart. I’ve only used the saw part but cut some big limbs above 20 ft with no issues
Lyonnais Lyonnais
Long et lourd
Il y a 6 tronçons pour faire 8 m, en plus de ceux aux extrémités. Je n’en ai mis que 4, et la perche était lourde à soulever seul. Prévoir d’être deux quand on met les 6 tronçons pour atteindre 8 m. La scie coupé bien, et sa forme se terminant par une butée est pratique. Une seconde scie et un sac sont fournis.
Maik24 Maik24
Funktioniert gut aber...
Wollte mit der Säge trockene Äste stutzen um nicht den ganzen Baum zu fällen. Baum ist sehr hoch 12-15m. Dennoch ist es mit dem Teleskop möglich die betroffenen Äste zu erreichen. Man brauch sehr viel Kraft um die Säge anzusetzen und zu sägen. Durch das gewicht der Stange verbiegt das Sägeblatt. Ich habe dann beide mitgelieferten Sägeblätter zusammen geschraubt. Dadurch war es stabiel. Um einen Druck auf das Sägeblatt zu bekommen reicht die Kraft über die Teleskopstange zwar aus, aber es dauert sehr lang um den Ast zu schneiden. Behelfen kann man sich nit einer stabielen Schnur, die man an der Spitze des Sägeblattes anbringt und mit einem Expander einen Zug erzeugt. Daduch braucht man nur die Stange vor und zurück ziehen und muss den Zug nur ab und zu nachjustieren. Da können auch dickere Äste (ca. 20cm) geschnitten werden. Ein guten Ganzkörper Training ist gratis dazu. :)
Gary Levering Gary Levering
Pole saw
This thing works great, will definitely give you a workout on high branches but it will cut fantastic.
Justin Pino Justin Pino
Worked great right out of th box!
This was super simple to use and worked great right out of the box. It easily cut through red oak branches and was manageable at the longest extensions. It came with a replacement blade which was nice. The blade was strong enough to cut through hard wood, it did flex with the branches as they fell but snapped back to flat immediately afterwards. It saved me at least $1000 in arborist work just this season in 1 day and now I'll have it for every season going forward. Definitely would buy again.
kw kw
Cuts Palm Fronds beautifully
At 66 my husband was able to use this saw at full 27 feet. You may ask if there were some moments that we said OOOOHHHHH NOOOO. Yes, however all went well. You must put the extensions on as it is raised against the tree one at a time as well as breaking it down to make it easier to get started. The best advise we can give is to try to get to the top most frond (you may need to cut a path) and work your way down- many times he actually was cutting three at once which was nice. Once you get it cutting to prevent bounce which gives NO cutting simply very small up and down allowing the blade to do the work-you can feel it without looking. Once you get a cut going the cutter can stop looking up as the neck does get tired. The spotter can see perfectly and can notify as you get through the frond. If you start at the top the fronds above create a bumper for blade creating bounce and even preventing the blade from making contact. Be awarea pole that tall can begin to become hard to control if you get to much motion as you move- cars, wires, our tile roof and windows were our concerns. Only a couple of times did he let it slowly drop to the ground (which was a tense moment). The pole is flexible as it needs to be the blade has flexibility as well (it can bind or get stuck on other fronds). We agree this is the best 72.00 we have spent on a tool that we hope not to use many more times in our life. We did not get the one with the cutting tool we have one and knew for this application it would get in the way.
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