This is a great table that was easy to assemble, wipes down easily, and is a great size for our two sons (1.5 year old and 3.5 year old). The chairs have little storage baskets under the seat, which helps our kids really feel ownership for that chair-- as in, \"this is my chair because it has my toys under it\". I forget what the manual said the weight rating was on the chairs, but I have sat my 180 lbs rear end on the chair without issue (though my wife hollered at me not to do it again!). Our kids have scooted, pulled, pushed, and climbed all over on these things and they've held up fine to all of it. The storage underneath the table top (in addition to the storage under each chair seat) is a nice touch and also helps keep the room clean... when my kids actually put their stuff away. Overall, this is a sturdy, good locking table and chair set that is well sized for our kids and they really like it.