Blown away by the nearly perfect condition it arrived in, as I was somewhat expecting it to show up kinda dinged up and used. This anvil only has 30 ratings backing it, so the average person may not realize how good of a value this is. Generally I don't purchase items online that have so few reviews, but this was a splendid exception! Most steel anvils on Amazon look ugly as sin. It's fairly difficult to locate a steel, London style single-horn anvil that also has a pleasant aesthetic. Most London style anvils on Amazon are made of cast iron, and while though attractive to look at, don't hold up very well against smithing/hammering. This is more for jewelry and small-scale metalsmithing, as it only weighs 9 Lbs and the anvil surface is only so big. Perfect for me though! Couldn't have purchased this any sooner, and I unexpectedly received this anvil the very next day after ordering it. Thanks very much to the seller SupDear!