I absolutely love this cutter, went into the garage with my sons and we all learned how to use it very quickly. Anything that destroys metal and shoots sparks is easy to get everyone wanting to try it. But seriously it works great once I learned how to set my air pressure accordingly. It cut everything we put in front of it, and pretty fast too. The cutts were crooked at first but that's because we were not good at looking at it through the dark welding helmet. But with some practice the cuts improved greatly. I would definitely recommend this plasma cutter for anyone who has wanted to work with steel in there garage/ shop. It's totally legitimate, and I also purchased the vevor mig welder to put the steel together with, between both I have like $450 in both, witch I couldn't get a 50 amp plasma cutter at my local store for $900. So great price, great product, it's well built and the torch seems well built too, I honestly was expecting less for the price point. I would like to try more vevor tools . I'm super impressed by vevor with everything I have used so far