This little VEVOR Steel Garden Cart is going to be quite handy. Between the horse stable activity and the gardening activity, I can see it being well used.It comes very well packaged in a sturdy box with plenty of padding. All the hardware is there to assemble it, I had no need to refer to the instructions, it is seriously easy. Before I hung the steering under the front I added some grease to where the steering swivels/pivots at the center of the front axle to make sure that it is easy to turn the axle and for reducing wear over time.Where all the bolts go through the hollow steel sections, it would have made the cart a lot more sturdy if there were some appropriately-sized portions of pipe welded in to accommodate the bolts and to prevent the hollow sections from flattening out if someone gets a little exuberant when tightening the nuts. Because there is nothing there to tighten against, the bolts will slowly but surely become loose as the hollow sections flatten out over time. This is especially so where the bolt goes through the pivot on the front axle. As soon as that gets any wear, it will simply flog the hole out and self destruct.There is no way that I would put 900 pounds of weight on this cart. it is not designed or structurally built for that, and for the Amazon page to suggest that it can do so is so wrong. 900 pounds will flip this thing easily on slightly uneven ground because the center of gravity is way too high for that weight. I have no idea how anyone could move 900 pounds safely on this thing. 900 pounds would be completely unmanageable. There are no brakes on this cart.I would suggest that a maximum of 200 pounds would be the limit, and that's really being generous. Any extra weight beyond that is risk-taking behavior.Within its moderate capabilities, this cart should give good service. The paintwork seems quite good, the tires were all nice and tight, no apparent leaks, although I doubt if they will be up for too much rough work, they are prett