Product was listed as "shipped" very quickly, but never left the warehouse, if in fact it ever existed. They claimed the transport company had lost it but there was no tracking information. After several weeks of emailing I was offered a full refund, which did happen very quickly. The product was still being advertised on the website during this time; I don't know of any companies that would rather provide a refund rather than ship the purchased product. Draw your own conclusions from this. At least the refund happened quickly. I won't use Vevor again.
Customer Service Reply:
Hello, there. We are pleased to inform you that we have reached an agreement regarding your recent concern, and the issue has been finally resolved. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused you. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We value your feedback and appreciate your understanding and patience throughout this process.