This over all is a sturdy trailer. the bed is the definition of sheet metal. I dropped the ratchet and it left a small dent. tiny but there. but solid base and more than good enough for regular yard work like bags and dirt and gravel. it will support big rocks, I just wouldn't throw them in. The paint is even and thick. nice looking trailer. Instructions are garbage, even more than usual on these things, and there are more parts than needed, I guess to ship in smaller box. you really will need 2 people on a few things but it can be put together about 85-95% by 1 person, all I guess if you have extremely long arms to reach aroung the side and into the bed while putting a bolt on in the middle of the bottom, though quicker with two. you will absolutely need a power drill/ratchet or at least a manual ratchet. there are I kid you not over 75 bolts to screw together. If you dont have a power tool, get one. Oh, and google the assembly video, the one I found went through it super fast but I just paused it at sections, it is a must to watch it I would say, Overall it seems like a great trailer better than I expected for this price, would recommend. If there are issues later after use I will post again.