Granted this is it's first use and probably won't get used much use under my ownership. But if it keeps this up, I don't see any problems. Ever since my furnace got installed, there hasn't been a way to heat the laundry/mechanical room. And where the ducts run in the back corner closet it wouldn't make sense to put a vent anywhere else other than in the middle of the room on the furnace. I didn't want to use a pair of tin snips to mangle up the sheet metal and make a botchery of things. I didn't really know what I was to expect when ordering this, other than I was hoping it would at the very least do what I need it to. It delivered! Even coming with a step drill bit that makes a big enough hole to insert the tool. I had traced out the shape of the vent, drilled a hole in the corner. One end of the tool is fixed for straight cuts, the other end swivels for curves. I used the swivel end. Simply put, this tool is a glorified hole punching machine. It dumped the chippings outside of the furnace. So this could not have worked any easier for me. Makes for easy clean up.