I am heating my house with a diesel heater this winter, it is the least expensive way for me to heat it. My propane furnace would be $1,200 for winter, my 24K mini split heats for $800 for the season, the diesel heats in WI a leaky old 1,500 sq ft farmhouse for $100-150/month. I have 2 of them so I can run them both when it gets below zero. Store barrels of off-road diesel at $3.33/gallon. Uses a gallon on low for a day when it is 30's F, 2 gallons a day on high. Don't need to use both very often, couple of times a winter. I love heating my house for $600/winter. I'm going to double the efficiency by adding a cast iron radiator to the exhaust, and have it blow air over the radiator. Always keep several carbon monoxide detectors nearby.