Product states it comes with 1 Inch, 1.5 inch and 2 inch dyes. Came with 1.75 instead of a 2 inch. Not a huge deal. Went to bend a 1.75 .120 wall tube, tube clamp ear ripped off dye immediately. Didn't even bend the pipe. No weld penetration. Had to cut, bevel and reweld myself. Works fine now. Same thing with the 1.5 inch dye. Bent .120 wall and it broke. I didn't get pictures but the welds were very insufficient. Over all bender is stout and works good. Installed swag hydro adapter from Swag for the eastwood version. Bender bends 1.5 .250 wall easy. Haven't tried bigger. If you can look past parts breaking that shouldn't it's worth the bargain. Didn't use manual bender arm at all. That needs improvement. Very floppy.