End product is nice, but putting it together is non-trivial and took us literally hours. First we had to peel off the sticky tape protecting all the stainless surfaces; this was hard work and required strength, manual dexterity, and extreme patience. Then, it was difficult--very difficult--to get the feet holders driven into the lower legs (so that the feet could then be screwed in); thankfully, we had a rubber hammer to complete driving them, but not everyone will. Lastly, instructions are sparse and in the WRONG ORDER. Do not put the middle shelf on before driving in the feet! The act of driving in the feet shook the middle shelf loose, and it had to be resituated--duh! I've put together many pieces of furniture over the years, and I rate this one as one of the very most challenging. Lastly, the top would not go on because one leg would not fit all the way up into its cradle. My husband was able to use a dremel to debut the edges of the metal so it finally went in; this is beyond the ability of most people.