The wheel is a good bit larger than I expected, but since I have a rather large cat, that's a-okay. Instructions were pretty clear, and the assembly was actually very smooth. The provided screwdriver does a good enough job though a ratcheting screwdriver, if you have one, would make it faster. It feels quite sturdy. It's heavy enough that I'm not worried about it sliding around or tipping, but it's moveable if you want to move it somewhere else. Be aware, you'll need a good amount of space to assemble this. Everything slotted together nicely, the velcro is easy to apply and very sticky, but peeling a bit back up to get it straight doesn't tear off the finish on the fake wood. Both it and the carpet are easy to apply if you have it unlocked and work segment by segment, spinning it as you go. My cat's claw has already snagged the carpet once, but I'm not too worried about that, there'll be plenty more of that with use. I'll update this after some use, if there's anything that needs updating.