First, the item is very nice. This is my second \"carport\" and in comparison to the first one I got (from another seller) this one is of better quality. The bracing bars and the brackets used to attach them are top notch and really stiffen the frame up nicely. My other carport had only bars that I had to screw into the other poles with self tappers, that wallowed out and didn't do much for support. This one has solid braces that attach and hold firm. Also, the canvas fit nicely, not too tight, where it pulls out the eyelets, but tight enough to look good. There was a problem one of the canvases, but the seller took care of it quickly, and politely. A good seller is one that takes care of their customers when there is an issue...this is a good seller. Highly Recommend the product and most importanly...the seller. A+.