This cart is great! I am a homeschooling mom and needed a better option for storing and moving our school materials and books around our home, and this cart fit the bill. It took me 20-30 minutes to assemble the whole thing, with my kids helping. The directions aren’t perfect, but it was easy enough to figure it out. All the pieces and parts fit together tightly, as I would expect them to. The castor wheels are strong and sturdy, and the entire thing rolls very easily on both tile and carpet. I love that the shelving is ever-so-slightly tilted backward, so there’s no chance of books falling off the shelf if it gets bumped around. And my favorite part is the slot on the side of the shelf, which would work for magazines or one book, but I use it to hold my daily planner. As the daughter of a librarian and a former public school teacher, I can say that this cart maybe isn’t as nice as the ones you would typically find in a library, but it works just as well. For the current price of less than $200, it’s a fantastic, more affordable option, that is solidly constructed. It definitely meets my needs, and I would order it again!