First off, it’s a very sturdy boat motor stand and should work nicely. I found the included assembly directions not helpful and worked entirely from the picture of the assembled item, assembling it in essentially reverse order. You’re kind of on your own trying to follow the cryptic instructions. I’ve assembled 100s of various bolt together items, and this one took Less than 30 minutes, just from looking at the picture and parts diagram. One nut was missing, fortunately I happened to have one that would fit. Also one of the pre-drilled holes for a bolt in the hanging bracket piece was not drilled correctly so the bolt would not go in.It just took 10 seconds to re-drill the hole in the metal frame so that it would work-no real problem. After assembly I modified the 45 degree angle lower support struts with removable knobs so that the struts could be easily loosened to allow the stand to fold up into a nearly flat configuration for storage when not in use. Summary: nice stand, difficult to follow assembly instructions.