Seems like a decent unit, IF it isn't missing a critical part. If it had come with everything it was supposed to, this would be a five star rating. I have it jury rigged and mostly working while I wait two weeks for a component from VEVOR. When I got it, I checked the pinion against the milled deck with a calibrated machinist square and found it to be technically off, but close enough that it doesn't matter for anything I'm ever going to do with this thing. If you really need ultra precision, this is not the machine for you, unless you want to screw around with shimming the pinion up and re-milling the castings. If you're not sure if you need that level of precision, you do not. I specifically ordered the model with the handwheel. It arrived missing the half moon key for the handwheel, making the handwheel pointless. I checked inside the bag that the manual comes in, hoping it would be in there, and noticed as I was doing so that the manual was for a different model of press (no handwheel). After contacting VEVOR customer support and supplying all of the pictures and information they needed, they said it will take 10-15 days on top of the 4 days spent dealing with customer service to receive a replacement key, because they have to ship the key (a piece of metal smaller than a penny) on the slow boat from China. That's three weeks that I can't use the thing for its intended purpose. Thankfully I can keep it put together enough to function with the lever arm. VEVOR, consider stocking small parts somewhere in the US. I should have just returned this thing as defective and hoped the replacement had all the parts, but by the time I realized it was going to take so long, I had already burned the box.