This is a folding dolly. I can put it in my trunk and still have room for other things. When I unfolded the dolly it’s a little rickety, I believe a screw driver and socket wrench will tighten the fittings, but it is still functional. It’s not as sturdy as the 199.00 models, but I believe it will work as intended. It took a few minutes to learn how the levers work to expanded and consolidate the dolly and I bought hook type elastic tie-downs for securing stacked boxes. I paid 74.99 plus tax, which was the best price I found. It had yellow tires, I wanted RED TIRES. I can live with that. Overall it’s a two wheel dolly that can turn into a four wheel dolly, it unfolds and consolidates nicely, but down the road it my need a little WD-40 on the consolidation rails, it’s mostly aluminum- so it will minimally rust, I give it 4 stars, it would of got 5 if it had red tires.