The good:
Super easy to assemble, goes together quickly. I added a hammer to the bag for hammering the pegs down when at the park.
Have used for pitching practice and playing some ball at the park without a catcher, no question if it was a strike :P
Balls go in the pockets, easy to reset (pull the balls out) and go again.
The great:
Any time you have something like this that is designed to travel, the problem is always the bag. Specifically getting the items back in the bag. I understand manufacturing and the need to keep cost down, but it drives me crazy when the manufacture could have used a tiny bit more material on the bag and your life would be better. Well, that’s what they did here, the carry bag is hassle free and has plenty of room to pack up and go without fiddling about.
The intended purpose of this device is to improve your pitching, without question this does the job by providing instant feedback of where your pitches are going. Think of it like target practice, you can definitely work on your control.