I have taken a liking to little carts like this one. I have several of them. When you are short on space, these carts can make your life so much easier & so much more organized! This is a good value at the current price (at the time of this review) of $14.99. This cart is small, it is plastic & it went together easily. It is pretty sturdy for it's small size. I especially like that it has an actual drawer, which many carts like this don't have. It has wheels which makes it really convenient in case you need to move it. I have carts like these in my kitchen & several in the closets too. I don't know yet where this one will go... but it is handy in every room, laundry room, bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, office, etc. Any room can benefit from having extra space especially if it's movable. Good item ... recommended.