The good news is this is a really solid bike rack made of strong, sturdy materials, and once assembled, it’s easy to attach to your tow hitch. The straps to hold the bike in place are a heavy rubber material, the first couple of uses they are harder to stretch, but I was ok with that because I had no worries about them giving way. So why not a 5 star rating? The assembly instructions. These are my least type of instructions, tiny pictures showing what goes where with minimal verbiage. On top of that, there are two sets of bolts that are different lengths. The first time you use the first two in Step 2, the instructions have you use the shorter bolts. This is not correct, use the long ones (see photos). Generally, this took about twice as long to assemble than it should have. They also include a strap but never mention when/how to use it. I assume this is wrapped around the bikes at the top for additional security. In summary, great rack for a good price, but if you aren’t handy or patient, the assembly could be a challenge.