This cover is a lighter version of an industrial cord ramp/cover. I use these for work all the time and those can stand up to full concrete and dump trucks driving over them. This one probably can stand up to a small sedan, which is perfect for residential or light commercial.Ramp has a nice channel that can hold several cords (I fit 4 extension cords under it) and there are side channels that can probably fit another 1-2 each.Ramp has a nice texture to prevent slippage and provide traction for feet, but not pokey that makes it uncomfortable (versus stepping on the cord). It's pretty low-profile so it shouldn't be a tripping hazard versus plain cords or other ramps/covers.I've got this indoors (on hardwood), which is a perfect application. This probably works best on a hard, flat surface. Don't think this will be great on carpet. Likely will be great outdoors, if on a hard surface.