Since we were new to bee keeping we didn't want to spend a lot of money on a higher end extractor. we didn't known if we were going to stick with bee keeping so getting something more affordable was why we went with this extractor. We purchased knowing that if we were going to keep moving forward with bee keeping that we would probably use this extrator one or two harvest seasons then move up to something bigger. This was easy to put together and did good for our first two seasons. I did figure out that that the metal isn't as high grade as other industry extractors. At the end of our first season cleanup from harvesting I didn't get the extractor completely dry and eneded up getting ow rust on it. It was easily cleaned up with Bar tenders friend compound. It did a great jo restoring the metal. It operated as expected. We have now purchased a bigger different brand extractor and ended up selling thr vevor to a new bee keeper who is going start bee keeping this year. It will serve them well. We have not regrets purchasing thr vevor extractor and would recommend it to anyone who's not sure how far into bee keep they want to go and trying to save some money.