Description states this comes with carrying case. So where is the carrying case? A serious case of false advertisement. Product did come in an incredibly badly built wood crate, if you want to call it that. The crate was destroyed, either by the warehouse or UPS personel, I don't know which, possibly both. It showed up at my place, the crate was broke open, the inside dividers were torn out, and looked like the porta power pieces were just thrown in the crate. Maybe they gave it to a gorilla to play with. If the product would be in a carrying case as stated, chances are the porta power would not have arrive in such lousy condition. On the up side, the product itself appears to be fairly decent. Unfortunately for somebody like me, needing to be able to take it to work, to use on my work truck, it is NOT portable without a case. I guess I will just have to file a complaint with the attorney General, or hire an attorney. FALSE ADVERTISEMENT