We like the sturdy metal structures, looks better than the picture, but the instructions could be a little more larger and clear to see. Once My Husband got it together he was like a kid on Christmas day. I would definitely buy this again as a gift.
This has a 90% " figure it out" factor. but its not all that complicated. Dont tighten it all down till you get it all together. Mount your components to the platforms before you put it together. It would make it easier. Get it adjusted the way you want it. Tighted everything. For the price. I like it.
Instructions didn't help due to it just being a picture of the finished product. Had to figure out what bolt went where, but finished product is very sturdy and easy to adjust.
Assembly like everyone else says ,instructions are garbo. Sturdy enough for sim racing truck driving games. Works for the money. Will be buying more expensive one later but good for now.