It's sturdy, it's relatively easy to put together (although don't count on the instructions to get you there), and it looks good once it's all set up. However, it's a bit of a hassle to put away, and I question if this will hold for very long. There are two knob bolts that hold the stand upright, and they're doing some heavy lifting considering the weight they're holding up. It also takes a long time to completely remove the knobs to fold the unit, so it's going to stay in place most of the time. It's relatively heavy at ~25 pounds (as expected, considering it's meant to be stable), so some wheels would have been nice. The first image shows the swivel point on this stand, and the second image shows the swivel point of a competing stand also available on Amazon. After using this product for a few days now, I feel that the second design may be superior in terms of convenience and stability.