I bought this for my granddaughter and she loves it. I have a good tree to hang it from. My granddaughter and her best friend get in it together to play. It is made of very high quality fabric. I would buy it again.
This was a birthday gift for our 6 year old granddaughter. She and the two older siblings have enjoyed this tent outside hanging from a tree. The two girls spent the night in it the first night it was received and said it was very comfy! It continues to be a special place and we have been told they will say thank you every time they see us!!! Definitely a sturdy memory maker! An outdoor rug underneath holds shoes and wipes feet before entering!
I bought this for my daughter and she loves it, the swing hangs from the ceiling and it is very sturdy it can hold adults and it comes with LED lights, also I think the little windows are super cute. I love that it is super cozy.
The neice and nephew seem very pleased with the hanging hammock. I am very pleased to have no reports of damage, failures, or issues whatsoever. Thanks.
The neice and nephew seem very pleased with the hanging hammock. I am very pleased to have no reports of damage, failures, or issues whatsoever. Thanks.