I love the strength and stability of this grid. I used this grid to build a driveway access through a wet garden area. Using the 4” grid, I built a 12’ x 40’ access to my RV Shelter. Once filled with rock using 1-14/ minis recycled crushed concrete over 3/4” gravel it worked great. Previously, the gravel would migrate into the Texas Clay, after wet weather. After I put in this grid, water would migrate through the grid walls and gravel, leaving the top 2” of concrete to stabilize and harden. After installation I never had to add or redue the roadbed. My 5th wheel weight is 15,000 and the pockets hold the rock without breaking the crushed concrete. My next project will be 700’ of steep sloping driveway (6-8% grade). I will use 1-1/4” minis crushed granite and a grid with 6” deep pockets. In both projects I used underlay fabric, but this grid stops the rock from moving on the underlayment, yet allows water to migrate through without washing it down hill.