Customer Reviews for VEVOR Tricycle Adult 24’’ Wheels Adult Tricycle 1-Speed 3 Wheel Bikes For Adults Three Wheel Bike For Adults Adult Trike Adult Folding Tricycle Foldable Adult Tricycle 3 Wheel Bike Trike For Adults
the manual was for a similar bike but besides that. it's nice and sturdy. we do keep the tools in a bag in the basket just incase we need roadside adjustments. Great bike
It was a gift for my 75 year old mentally challenged brother, and he was beyond words. It is so perfect for him and he went and got a helmet to match. Thank you so much.
Bought this bike for my handicap daughter since she can’t ride a regular bike. This is what she asked for, for Christmas. Love it can’t wait to see her face on Christmas Day.
the manual was for a similar bike but besides that. it's nice and sturdy. we do keep the tools in a bag in the basket just incase we need roadside adjustments. Great bike
It was a gift for my 75 year old mentally challenged brother, and he was beyond words. It is so perfect for him and he went and got a helmet to match. Thank you so much.
Bought this bike for my handicap daughter since she can’t ride a regular bike. This is what she asked for, for Christmas. Love it can’t wait to see her face on Christmas Day.
Excellent quality of product and very clear instructions, but more complicated assembly than other items i have purchased, which is the nature of a bike..