I bought this Tricycle for my wife who does not know how to use a regular bicycle and the truth is that we liked that my children say others, when I saw it in parts I thought that I could not assemble it and that I had to pay for it to be assembled, the truth is that If I could put it together and in 2 times from 1 hour to 2 hours and calmly I managed to do it. So we are very happy for the purchase and the tricycle is very good and very happy my wife.Jaime Jimenez TorresYo compre esta Tricycle para mi esposa que no sabe usar un bicycle regular y la verdad que nos gusto que mis hijos decean otras, al verla en partes pense que no podria armarla y que tenia que pagar por que me la armaran, la verda es que si pude armarla y en 2 tiempos de 1 hora a 2 horas y con calma logre hacerlo. asi que estamos muy felices por la compra y la tricycle esta muy bien y muy feliz mi esposa.Jaime Jimenez Torres