Should be somewhat mechanically inclined. Instructions if red are very good and helpful to put this bicycles together. My suggestions is before you even handle the tires to take their pump and put at least 20 pumps into the tires. The reason is that way you know the tube will not be pinched in handling it. No matter what I always put green slime and all my tires i'm like are my motorcycle and ride bicycles. I haven't had a flat tire and at least 12 years by doing or using the stuff. I love 1 speed bicycles because they put the ratio just about perfect to cruise around and do your shopping. But if need to be going faster it's quite easy and I can travel about six to seven times my walking speed if I have to. All in all it's a very nice bicycle. Make sure the oil up all the bearings and the chain once assembled. That should be good for at least a month or more.