While making my own distilled water has been easy, it is another task added to my long list of things to get done each day. Luckily, the majority of the time this machine takes to work its magic on our crappy city water is hands off. This machine puts off A LOT of heat so I have mine set up in my utility room with the door shut and the AC vent closed so I'm not cooling that room at all. When winter rolls around, I'll move it to the kitchen so it can help heat that room. I am happy with the water it produces. It did take a little getting used to the taste (or lack there of) at first. I tried adding some trace minerals to it to enhance the flavor, but found I liked it better without them. My home goes through about 12-15 gallons of distilled water per week at about $1 per gallon so this machine is saving me $12-15 per week now. So far so good and I have no complaints!