I have been able to adapt this unit to run on my home wood heater / stove by adding an electric fish tank water pump, large water holder to cool water heated in distillation of steam in copper tubes in top pot, meter long silicon tubing to carry distilled water from the outlet to the collector bottles on the floor, heavy bar stool to hold water cooling container nearer to the height of the wood fire hotplate and of course glass bottles to collect the water and keep it from plastic contamination.
I noted that you have the electric pumps in other models and supply silicon tubing in the kit. I should be possible to add these things to an order along with the other things I found I needed to add to make my system work automatically. I also found it difficult to adjust the tap on the input so the water did not overflow from the top condenser pot, but this might be overcome with a second fish tank suction pump to draw the water down to the recycling tank.